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Template: Miza Nation
Basecode: Atiqah
Owner By: Myza

#6 Ramadhan [PLKN]

Hari nih ble tengok sudah name list PLKN 2013 kann?
Untung arr siapa yg dapat... Aku tak dapat nih... Kenapa laa org yg nak sangat ikut PLKN tak dapat? Why? Why? Kenapa laa nama aku takda dalam list? Aku nak ikut la wei...
Semangat dowh nak check name list tadi... Tp last last benda nih yg aku tengok,,,

Tp its okay... Bukan nasib aku nak ikut PLKN... Maybe ada hikmah disebaliknya... Redha jerr laa...
So kepada sesapa yg dapat tuh, tahniah arr cess...

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -Marcus Aurelius
